Do you want to look more youthful- why not try facial acupuncture!

May 16, 2013
What are the benefits of facial acupuncture?

Cosmetic acupuncture or facial rejuvenation acupuncture promotes blood and lymph circulation and helps to tone facial muscles. The treatment works by stimulating the production of collagen to help tighten the skin to give it a more youthful glow.

The bodies own healing function is stimulated and it can begin to restore and regenerate itself. Facial acupuncture removes toxins from the skin in order to improve the appearance of the skin and its tone. Laughter lines, brow lines and wrinkles are reduced in appearance, tiny needles are placed around the lips to improve circulation and give a plumping affect! Facial acupuncture is truly amazing, it can lift drooping jaw and brow lines.


Acupuncture awareness week went down a storm

April 16, 2013

Acupuncture awareness week was a blast I can't wait for next year, if you have any questions about acupuncture please don't hesitate to ask! x

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Acupuncture Works!

April 16, 2013

My clinic room where the magic of acupuncture happens!

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Welcome to the clinic

April 16, 2013

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